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21st Century Educational Alternatives: Confronting Racial Capitalism, Patriarchy, Militarism, and the Climate Crisis

تعال وانضم إلى TAP والعلماء المشابهين في التفكير في مؤتمر CIES الافتراضي في أبريل. لأول مرة ، يتضمن المؤتمر مسارًا موضوعيًا ، اشتراكية القرن الحادي والعشرين: البدائل العالمية للنظام الأبوي ، والرأسمالية العنصرية ، وتغير المناخ. الجلسات أدناه:

Our new SIG, 21st Century Educational Alternatives: Confronting Racial Capitalism, Patriarchy, Militarism, and the Climate Crisis is now official at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). It was formed by us, The Alternatives Project. TAP is a diverse, transnational collective of progressive academics, union members, civil society activists, and social movement participants concerned with building a global collective critical voice-oriented towards education and societal transformation. We felt CIES needed a place and home for progressive scholars who are seeking more fundamental changes to comparative and international education and related research, so we formed this SIG.


CIES 2025 Sessions


CIES 2024 Sessions

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